I share the process of creating myself through art, my work is a confession, a testimony. I make a performance, my work is not performative, there is real action, there is engagement: I am engaging my own life, solving my questions and transits, healing myself. Sharing it with the public is part of the engagement process. I understand that as I share the creation of myself I am also sharing an order of understanding and reflection, a language that I have codified in my somatic expression.

Without escaping from the body, from pain, completing my journey from the unknown to knowledge, I go downwards and upwards in the right time, coming to earth to be relieved from the weight, surrendering to what is. I offer the material that I am, raw, vital pulsating, without artifice, intimate and naked. My voice and my body (in all its layers) is mainly what I work with.

The materials of the alchemy of my own life are also the materials of my art: pathos, grieving, allowing myself to be softened by lack, frustration, loss; my heart being able to break, and a promise of ascension in the emotional reckoning, in the truth of being here with breakdown, with despair. Without getting trapped in the descent, I find sprouting strength through comprehension, which is a spontaneous happening.

Grieving is a necessary art when "everything is fine" in a dying world.

I gather in myself the intensity to habilitate the holiness of the body, fully feeling its cry and orgasm, without being half-hearted, without the shrinking of shame. I also train expressive ecstasy to congregate the potency that mobilizes the organs of the one who expects.